The first annual meeting will be organized as a joint Management Committee (MC) and Early Carrier Investigator (ECI) meeting. Selected renown experts in the multi-target drug discovery field will be invited. This meeting will give to all participants the opportunity to present their research activities related to the COST Action and to propose their contribution to network. A two-hours MC meeting will be held to plan the Action activities. On selection, preference will be given to ECI whose scientific contributions are judged strategically important for achieving the goals of the Action, taking into account the gender balance and the Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC). Invitation of at least two experts, one in the field of intellectual property and patents (Dr. Zardi) and one from industry in the identification of novel targets (Dr. Fabbro) will be integrated with other relevant names regarding other specific topics, such as new chemical entities, chemical databases and in silico methods. Planning COST activities, including Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM), will be the object of a dedicated round table. Moreover, participation will be extended to external researches on a self-funded basis.
The annual meeting proceedings will be realized on line and put on the COST web site. Specific outputs of the meeting will be:
- Knowledge exchange;
- Increase the visibility of action activity;
- Networking activities;
- Short and long term Action Planning;
- ECI promotion;
- STSM selection criteria.
About first annual meeting
- first circular
- participation form
- abstract form
- second circular
- preliminary program
- final_program
- poster_list
- book of abstracts
- talk slides
- Report_1st_annual_meeting_CA15135